Bosphorus Cross Continental Swims – A guide for open water swimmers

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Bosphorus Cross Continental Swims

The Bosphorus & Dardanelles Cross Continental Swims are the two famous swims you can take part in based in Turkey. Both cross from the European to Asian continents. This is the information I gathered to help me decide which race to take part in during the summer of 2023.

Did you know there are two cross continental swims in Turkey?

The Bosphorus & Dardanelles Cross Continental Swims both cross the continental divide from the Europe to Asia. Because of the weather both swim races take place in late August.

The Dardanelles cross continental swim at Hellespont is the world’s classic open water swim and undoubtedly has been made iconic in the historical wake of the Greek God Leander and Lord Byron. The main town here is Canakkale, a 5 hours bus ride south of Istanbul.

The Bosphorus cross continental swim is a modern version of this event and alternatively takes place in Istanbul. As far as I know the event was started in 1989.

What is the water temperature for Bosphorus Cross Continental Swim

Both open water swims take place in late August so the water temperature for the events is around 22-26˚C (72-79˚F). The air temperature is 28-32˚C (82-90˚F).

Do I need a wetsuit for Bosphorus Cross Continental Swim?

No wetsuit is required as the water temperature is quite comfortable.

How long are the Bosphorus Cross Continental Swims?

The Bosphorus Cross Continental swim is officially 6.5 km long (the swim is current-assisted which makes it equivalent to about 4 km). However there is a time limit of two hours to complete the course.

The Dardanelles Cross continental swim is approximately 4.5 km (the swim is current-assisted which makes it equivalent to about 3-3½ km). However there is a time limit of 1 hour 45 minutes to complete the race.

What is the start like for the Bosphorus Cross Continental Swims?

Both races have mass starts, Bosphorus around 2,000 entrants and Dardanelles about 800 entrants. This mass start moves from the land into the water, despite the large number of participants it is possible to take your time and wait for a quieter period to enter the water if this is a concern.

What are the swimming conditions like for the Bosphorus Cross Continental Swims?

Both swims are current assisted from north to south but are in large bodies of water which can become more challenging on windy days. Swimmers should have a good understanding of open water swimming and be capable of swimming in choppy waters.

Bosphorus Cross Continental Swims – A guide for open water swimmers

How do I get a place on the Bosphorus Cross Continental Swims?

SwimTrek offer international entries for both events for non Turkish residents. These are packages that include support to register for the events, local guides, reccis of the swim routes the day before the event, as well as pre race accommodation.

How safe are the Bosphorus Cross Continental Swims?

Both events cross one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes, happily this is closed for a few hours on the day of the event. There is kayak and boat support from a flotilla of small boats arranged by the event organiser.

You should be aware that certain marine life such as sea lice, jellyfish, sea urchins and coral could be present during the swims. During my swim I swam through small groups of Moon Jellyfish which are thankfully harmless.

Which race did I do?

In August 2023 I swam the Dardanelles Race at Hellespont. In my opinion no other open water challenge in the world combines as much history, prestige, romance and bragging rights into a single swim. I believe this legendary crossing of the Dardanelles strait is also notable, as one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world is closed for this annual ‘Victory Day’ race. It was a wonderfully calm day and the route really was current assisted. Only saw a few Moon Jellyfish.

Biggest hazard missing the exit point due to the current.

I swam the whole race in just over 1 hour. This is an event achievable by an average swimmer. In the pool I swim about 2min – 2min 5 sec per 100m.

Bosphorus Cross Continental Swim certificate

What else can I do while I am in Turkey?

Check out our post about what you can do in Turkey after or before your swim race.

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