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How to Travel Iceland on a Budget

Traveling Iceland on a budget can be an amazing adventure, especially with a bit of preparation. Here are some tips, advice and additional suggestions to help maximize the experience while keeping costs low:

Tips on how to Travel Iceland on a Budget

Transportation and Accommodation

  • Campervan Hire: Renting a small campervan serves as both your transportation and accommodation. This is cost-effective and offers flexibility.
  • Camping: If hiring a campervan is not feasible, bring a tent. Iceland has numerous campsites (every small village), many of which are relatively affordable.
  • Parking: Parking is expensive, particularly in tourist areas. Park further away and walk to your destination to save on parking fees.
  • How to Travel Iceland on a Budget Hire a small campervan
  • Tea in Bed or back of campervan
  • Campervan in Iceland
  • Campervan perfect for exploring Iceland
  • How to Travel Iceland on a Budget Bonus Supermarket
  • How to Travel Iceland on a Budget Netto

Food and Cooking

Stove, bowl and eat home cooking
  • Bring Food from Home: Since eating out can be pricey, pack non-perishable food items from home.
  • Portable Stove: Bring a portable stove for cooking. Gas canisters are readily available at petrol stations.
  • Supermarkets: Shop for groceries at budget-friendly supermarkets like Netto and Bonus for resupplying.
  • DIY Beverages: Make your own tea and coffee, saving money on café visits.

Charging and Connectivity

  • Solar Charger and Battery Packs: A solar charger and battery packs are useful for keeping your devices powered.
  • Public Libraries: Use public libraries for free Wi-Fi and charging devices.
How to Travel Iceland on a Budget

Water and Hygiene

  • Reusable Water Bottles: Refill at public toilets and swimming pools.
  • Public Pools: Icelandic public pools are excellent. They often have hot tubs and showers, perfect for freshening up.
  • Free Outdoor Showers and Hot Springs: Take advantage of free outdoor shower, natural hot springs and if your are brave swim in the sea! (we weren’t brave!)
How to Travel Iceland on a Budget

Miscellaneous Tips

  • Budget-Friendly Meals: Occasionally treat yourself with budget-friendly options like a large pizza from a petrol station.
  • Binoculars: Bring binoculars to enjoy whale watching from the shore, following the whale watching boats.
  • Local Experiences: Explore free attractions like waterfalls, geysers, and the stunning landscapes Iceland is known for.
  • Eye Mask: In midsummer it never gets dark. To ensure a great nights sleep don’t forget an eye mask!
Puffins in Iceland travel on a budget


By following these tips, you can enjoy the beauty of Iceland without breaking the bank. Proper planning and resourcefulness can make your budget trip an unforgettable experience. Happy travels!

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