Fireball Festival Stonehaven Scotland all you need to know about this traditional Scottish event
Planning to visit the Fireball Festival of Stonehaven. Great! For this reason we have all the answers to the questions you have about this amazing traditional festival of light.
What time does the Fireball Festival Stonehaven, Scotland start?
The festivities began at around 11pm on Hogmanay (the 31st of December).
The actual Fireball swinging begins as soon as the town bells strike in the New Year.
At the stroke of Midnight.

What is the route of the Fireball Festival in Stonehaven?
The route begins at the Harbour and travels up and down High Street, Stonehaven.
The Swingers travel up and down with the hot fire approximately 4 times, which takes approximately 20 to 25 minutes.

What does the Stonehaven fire festival cost?
In 2024 the Stonehaven fire festival was free. The recommended donation for the free event is £3 for adults and £1 for children, with cards and cash accepted.

What is the history of the Fireball Festival of Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire?
The strong tradition of fire festivals occurs throughout the world as a form of purification. Significantly to burn away the bad, the old and make way for the new and the fresh. In fact Scotland is no stranger to fire ceremonies at the darkest time of the year at or around the winter solstice or New Year. (Burghead’s Clavie and Shetland’s Up Helly Aa)
Stonehaven was traditionally a fisher community. Like all costal communities it was no stranger to tragedy with the hard life of harvesting fish from the wild seas around Scotland. The ceremony is a creator of good luck.
The earliest written record of this particular celebration is 1908 but it’s true orgins may date back to pagan times.

Who are the people who get to be Fireball Swingers?
Originally the Swingers, as they are called were locals who had to come from the Old Town. You had to be born and bred here to be allowed to be a participant.
However by the 1960s numbers were dwindling and the tradition was in danger of dying out.
Nowadays Swingers have to live in the town and have the best interests of the community at their heart. e.g. volunteer, help the town to improve, participate, assist, promote, join in, be a better person for the benefit of the thriving small Aberdeenshire town.
Originally participants were young men from the fishing community, then older men began to participate. Today, men and women of all ages are Swingers.
At the ceremony we attended, 2023 into 2024, there were 40 Swingers, of all genders, ages, shapes and sizes.

Has Stonehaven Fire Festival ever been cancelled?
Yes. The Festival was cancelled. During the Covid pandemic restrictions and because of the two world wars. Therefore it takes a lot for this amazing tradition to be thwarted!
What do they make fireballs from?
Traditionally the fireballs are constructed from old fishing gear (ropes, net, cork, tar coated floats). Obviously as you can image the burning of this type of gear would be quite toxic. Today the fireballs are usually twists of chicken wire and most appear to be full of paraffin kindling. For example the sort you see outside of petrol stations for starting wood burning stoves.

What happens are the festival ceremony?
- Usually at around 10am the public start to gather
- Next at 11am the pipe band and Highland Country Dancers start to perform up and down the High Street
- Children from the Primary School get the opportunity to Swing ‘safe’ Fireballs and parade up and down the High Street
- Midnight, there are digital counters up and down the High Street, the Public, high on adrenaline, anticipation and maybe a wee nip of whisky start a joyful countdown to the New Year!
- Then, 10, 9, 8 ,7 ,6 ,5 ,4 ,3 ,2 ,1 , HAPPY NEW YEAR!
- Then escorted by a few pipers, the Swingers appear with their red hot and heavy balls. They swing the balls around and around their heads, sweat pouring from them, due to the heat and exertion of living these heavy revolving missiles. Many Swingers shout, Happy New Year to the Crowds and the Crowds happily roar back to the Swingers, Happy New Year!
Where do the Fireballs end up after the ceremony?
Finally after approximately 20 minutes of walking up and down the High Street there is an invisible signal. The barriers move aside the throngs and throngs of spectators start to walk in droves towards the Harbour.
We follow a local family through backstreets of Stonehaven, down to the Harbour and manage to get to the Harbour in time. One by one the Swingers on the shoreline hurl their burden into the sea. At last the red hot flames die in the black inky waters.
How long does the Fireball Festival Stonehaven Scotland last?
For instance from the pipe band to the fireworks the duration is approximately 1 and a half hours. (1hr 30 minutes)
What time does the celebration finish?
The celebration finishes after the fireworks. The fireworks start immediately after the last fire lands in the sea.
What time do the Stonehaven Fireworks start?
The fireworks start at around 00:30 on New Years Day. Obviously after the fires land in the sea. From the Harbour just look south to (Bervie Braes).
When should we arrive in Stonehaven?
In conclusion aim to arrive no later than 10pm.
Would you recommend attending the Fireball Festival Stonehaven Scotland?
- Yes!
- Arrive early for example 5pm
- Park in the townsquare
- Eat Fish and Chips for tea (or haggis supper for me)
- Nap until 21:30 in van
- Walk to the event at or before 22:00
- Have a great night
- Sleep in the van after the fireworks!
- Have a Happy New Year