Explore Albert France Free 5km walking route

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Exploring Albert France, and its rich historical and architectural heritage its a fascinating journey!

Here’s a Free 5km walking route through the beautiful French town of Albert, to help you make the most of your visit.

Explore Albert France 5km walking route

A lot of Albert was destroyed in WW1 and was rebuilt following the war in a mixture of Flemish and Art Deco style. There are an estimated 250 Art Deco Style Facades in Albert.

Town Hall of Albert

The Town House

The Town House, a historic building that serves as a symbol of local governance and administration. Rebuilt after WW1 and inaugurated in 1932. We love the little windows built into the roof which remind us of the Harry Potter Sorting Hat!

Art Deco House in Albert

Art Deco Buildings of Albert

Take a leisurely stroll through the town centre, keeping an eye out for the Art Deco buildings that line the streets. Each building showcases unique design elements characteristic of the Art Deco movement.

Somme Museum Albert

Somme 1916 Museum

Somme Museum, which offers a comprehensive insight into the region’s role during World War I. Explore the exhibits and learn about the history of the Battle of the Somme.

The museum is located in an underground tunnel which dates from the 13th Century and was later used as an air raid shelter during the war.

Basilica Albert France

Basilique Notre-Dame de Brebi̬res РBasilica

Basilica of Notre-Dame de Brebières, a stunning architectural marvel that dominates the skyline of Albert.

There are two legends about the Madonna and Baby which adorns the top of the Basilica. During WW1 it was believed that the war would end when the Madonna fell to the ground. Initially the statue was knocked over in 1915 by the Germans but remained atop the spire. The statue finally fell in 1918 due to a bombardment by the British.

The original statue went missing and was recast in 1929!

Take some time to admire its intricate facade and explore the beautiful tranquil interior.

  • Statue Witness of the Past Albert
  • Statue of French Soldier Outside Albert Train Station
  • German Soldier Albert
  • Explore Albert France 5km route
  • Jardin Statue of Soldier

Statue Witness of the Past

As you continue your walk through Albert, keep an eye out for statues dedicated to those who fought and lost their lives during World War I. There are 10 statues known as Witnesses of the Past dotted about Albert.

We locate only 6 of these statues. Despite google searches which show the location of another two statues we could not find them. We believe that they may have been removed for repairs. Two of these statues were originally in prominent places beside the museum and in front of the Basilica. These poignant reminders of the past serve as a testament to the town’s resilience and bravery.

Explore Albert France 5km route Train Station

Train Station, Albert

Albert Train Station, an iconic Art Deco building. Admire its architectural features before entering to discover the aeroplane suspended from the ceiling!

Explore Albert France 5km route Potez 36

Poetz 36, Aeroplane, Train Station Albert

Inside the train station, don’t miss the opportunity to see the iconic aeroplane suspended from the ceiling. Poetz 36 was designed by Henry Poetz a pioneer of this area. Henry established a factory in 1924 which today is known as Stella Aerospace.

Explore Albert France 5km route Velodrome Park

Velodrome Public Park

Velodrome Park, a peaceful green space where you can relax and unwind amidst nature. Take a stroll through the park and enjoy the tranquility it offers. Or take a picnic and use one of the many picnic benches with beautiful views of the pond.

The Velodrome was built around the river in 1897 by a local cycling factory but due to several floods it was abandoned. Today you find a beautiful 24 hectare park with ponds and pathways.

Also located on a part of this site is a campsite.

Waterfall in the Jardin

Jardin Public Arboretum

This little park in the centre of Albert is a delight. Dating from the 15th Century, it has a bandstand, a beautiful staircase and waterfall.

Here we also discover 2 of the Witness of the Past Statues by surprise!

Madonna and Child Statue

Enjoyed our little exploration of Albert? Explore Albert France 5km walking route

Did you find more of the Witness of the Past statues?

After completing your walking tour, take some time to reflect on your experiences and perhaps indulge in some local cuisine at one of the charming cafes or restaurants in Albert.

Another wee wild adventure we hire a bike from the Tourist Information Office in Albert and explore the local countryside.

For more wee wild adventures in France

Amazing Free Cycle Route North Ypres WW1 sites

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  1. Pingback:Awesome Free Cycling Map Tour WW1 Albert Somme - Wee Wild Adventures

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